My Mortgage Blog

How many times a day do you think I get a phone call from someone who's asking, "What's your best rate today?"

Well I don't have a set number for you but I can assure you it happens quite frequently.  So what's the best answer for this question?  Many brokers may spout off their best rate for the day which is fine; I on the other hand, like to dig a bit deeper and educate.  Let me explain.

It's human nature to shop around and find the best deal available for whatever you're purchasing.  If an interest rate is quoted, someone out there will always beat it to get the business.  I too have been guilty of this and always do my best to match or beat a bank's rate.  Rate is important, but it's more of a 'catch phrase' so to speak, as opposed to the 'be all end all' of saving money.

What do I mean by this?  Well interest rates are the initial attraction, it tweaks your 'interest'...good one I know; but there's always some fine print to all advertised rates.  In some instances, interest rates are advertised for 'live deals' or maybe one's that have a 'quick close', meaning there has been an accepted offer by both parties in the transaction and/or the mortgage needs to be complete within 30-45 days. Both of these scenarios are not always typical.  This leaves very little time to get all the documents together, but this is why I'm here, my calling.  I will simplify the process and work with you to secure your dream home, we'll make it a reality.

In addition to interest rates, my job is to find ways to not only secure you a fantastic mortgage product but to also look out for your best interest.  Mortgage flexibility plays a huge role in saving money over the life of your mortgage.  The 'live deal' or 'quick close' specials may have super low interest rates, but they may also have horrible pre-payment structures.  Pre-payment structures vary from lender to lender but a good example of a decent pre-payment structure would be that you could apply as little as $100.00 extra each month towards your mortgage, and up to say 20% in some instances of the remaining mortgage balance per year, based on a closed mortgage.  So, essentially if you received a large raise from your employer or won the 50/50 draw at the Vancouver Canucks game, you would be able to pay a significant amount of your mortgage off at one time. These extra payments get applied strictly to the principal amount of your remaining balance.  This can take years off the life of your mortgage.

I will find a mortgage that is tailored for you and grant you access to products that are not available to just everyone.  I won't even sell you anything other than a fantastic experience, my services are absolutely free on typical residential mortgages.  Make your move today, call me and let me show you what I can do.

As always, I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions with your current mortgage or are looking for one. Please find me on facebook at Jason Nesseth l Mortgage Specialist l British Columbia and on twitter @jasonmortgages.

"Working with you for the life of your mortgage!"

Jason Nesseth with TMG The Mortgage Group Canada Inc. If you have any questions or comments about this blog, please feel free to call Jason at 604.375.7375, email or visit his website at