My Mortgage Blog — Latest Posts
Top ten reasons to use a real estate professional!
Just how vital it is to seek the unbiased expert advice of a Mortgage Professional like myself who can shop the market for various lenders that meet your individual needs and fit your lifestyle, so...
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How's your Mo?
As you are all aware, "Movember" has been in full effect for the last month. The end is near for all of the fellas that participated from around the world that grew their lip sweaters, some are...
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Would you like to switch?
You may have heard of the term 'switch' or 'transfer' your mortgage, which basically means moving your mortgage to a different lender. If you are thinking about switching or transferring your...
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It's all about the "benjamins baby'!
How many times a day do you think I get a phone call from someone who's asking, "What's your best rate today?" Well I don't have a set number for you but I can assure you it happens quite frequently....
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