My Mortgage Blog — Latest Posts
Have you been burned by mortgage penalties?
Mortgage penalties you might ask? Well a frequent topic of conversation with many of my clients, new or existing will inevitably result in talking about the dreaded mortgage penalty. If you are in...
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Are you living paycheque to paycheque?
If you're living paycheque to paycheque, you're not alone. A poll commissioned by the Canadian Payroll Association released last week found that 57 percent of respondents could not deal with a one...
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Saving interest and your waistline
Living in Vancouver, we all enjoy an occasional night out on the town. I definitely like to hit up some of the local hotspots to indulge in the finest cuisine this West Coast has to offer. I, on...
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Payment privileges offer some options
My morning routine usually consists of grabbing a coffee, answering emails, reading up on the latest mortgage and real estate trends, and most recently trying to absorb as much information about...
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